
Marvel Dream Revelations: The Return of the Ancient Glory Powers of God (Ebook)


Marvel Dream Revelations: The Return of the Ancient Glory Powers of God (Ebook)


Marvels Are Not Just For Movies!

Have you noticed one of the most popular themes in movies and TV shows is unusual supernatural abilities? The increase in these themes should come as no surprise but many Christians do not realize God is using these movies to illustrate a Biblical truth that we were ALL made with the potential to develop these marvel-level supernatural abilities. In this ebook, I have explained in-depth, what God showed me in my dreams AND the revelations about how to begin developing and manifesting the marvelic realm now. 

Here is a partial list of what I’m discussing in this ebook…

  • What are marvels and where are they in the Bible.  
  • The purpose of these abilities and why it is critical to the entire world that we have them in operation.
  • Two categories of marvels – supernatural and technology, along with examples from my dreams.
  • “Truth in plain sight” in movies and TV shows that illustrate marvelic abilities and God’s training program.
  • My experience with the process of developing “marvel faith” and how my dreams changed after I passed key tests proving I had advanced in God’s training program.
  • The required process of reaching into this realm and how to be qualified by God to operate in it.
  • An in-depth explanation of several of my dreams that show specific abilities and the Biblical basis for them.
  • The revelations I’ve received based on my dreams for how to begin developing these abilities and various keys you can use to get started.
  • A full list of the foundational resources where you can learn more about the basis of marvelic abilities.

⭐️ UPDATE: Version 2.0 (May 2024) ⭐️

Become A Real-Life Superhero

This ebook includes EPUB & PDF formats (also available separately in Amazon Kindle - see my store page).  

Find out more: Marvels & Glory Powers.

Page count: ~277 EPUB, 156 PDF 

Thank you for purchasing this ebook! Remember, this is a process that requires time and consistent effort. It is imperative that you put into practice the things I am discussing here - as you do, expect to see results! 

My website: chrismichals.com

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Kindle Compatible!!

You can send this ebook file to your Amazon Kindle device / app using the email address associated with your account or by uploading via this website: https://www.amazon.com/sendtokindle/.

I strongly recommend loading the EPUB version (not the PDF version) to your Kindle device. EPUB is the format Amazon uses for all Kindle ebook uploads and should appear in your device / app with near perfect formatting.

Chris Michals
Dreams & Marvels

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Last updated Jan 14, 2025